Mental Health

We provide an empathetic service if you are under stress, suffer from anxiety or experience depression that is affecting your wellbeing. We are experienced in diagnosing and treating mental ill health with pharmacological and non-pharmacological options.
Make an appointment with your GP to discuss your options.
Mental health is about more than being free of mental illness such as depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia. It is also about having a positive sense of wellbeing. Positive mental health allows us to enjoy life’s pleasures, believe in our own abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work/study productively and enjoy socialising.
Wellbeing may be compromised when negative and painful emotions are extreme or very long-lasting and interfere with the person’s ability to function in daily life. For some people it may be difficult to talk about mental health, but it can help to talk about how you are feeling. People you can talk to might include friends, family, a counsellor or your GP.
Need Help Now?​
If you need help now you could talk to your GP or if you need to talk to someone now here are a number of helplines you can contact for confidential non-judgemental support.
Watch the video for some useful suggestions on how to talk to your GP about your mental health.
Mental Health Ireland - Five Ways to Wellbeing
Mental Health Ireland promotes mental health and wellbeing to all individuals and communities, supporting people who experience mental health difficulties. Watch the video or click here to see more information on the Five Ways to Wellbeing - Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning & Give.
You can find mental health resources from Mental Health Ireland here.
Make time each day to Connect. Connect with the people around you. With family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. At home, work, school or in your local community. By staying connected and nurturing these relationships we feel happier and more secure, giving us a better sense of purpose.
Be Active
Look for ways to be active everyday. Go for a walk or a run. Step outside. Cycle, play a game, garden or dance. Discover a physical activity you enjoy which suits your lifestyle and level of mobility and fitness. Research has shown being physically active can improve your mental health and wellbeing.
Take Notice
Be aware of the world around you and what you are feeling. Be Curious. Catch sight of the beautiful. Notice the changing seasons. Savour the moment whether you are walking to work, eating lunch or talking to friends. Pay attention to the present moment – to your thoughts, feelings and to the world around you.
Keep Learning
Try something new. Rediscover an old interest. Sign up for that course. Cook a new recipe. Take on a new responsibility. Setting yourself a new challenge and learning a new skill will increase your confidence which can improve your mental health and wellbeing.
Giving to others is good for you. Do something nice for someone else. Thank someone. Volunteer your time or join a community group. See yourself and your happiness linked to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding and create connectedness with the people around you.
Volunteering can be a great way to meet new people and also generate positive feelings from helping others. If you decide that you would like to get involved in volunteering but you are not sure exactly what you would like to do, then a good place to start is Volunteer Ireland. They can help you find what kind of volunteering suits you.
Find your local volunteering centre here.
Click here to see more information on these Five Ways to Wellbeing.
Useful Links & Resources
See below links to helplines and further information on mental health:
HSE - Mental Health - an extensive guide and resources on mental health issues.
Mental Health Ireland - promotes mental health and wellbeing to all individuals and communities, supporting people who experience mental health difficulties.
Pieta House - helps people in suicidal distress or those engaging in self-harm. Freecall the helpline on 1800 247 247. Or you can simply text HELP to 51444. You can also contact Pieta House for guidance on how to help someone who is self-harming or suicidal. Pieta House provides free individual counselling, therapy and support who have been bereaved by suicide.
Samaritans - is a service that can be used either if your situation feels more urgent, or if you feel like all you need is a good chat. You can ring their helpline whether or not you have mental health issues, if you're worried about a friend, and even if you're under 18.
Aware - have a support line for anyone who is worried about depression, which operates from 10am to 10pm, seven days a week, as well as a support mail service. Freephone helpline on 1800 80 48 48.
SilverCloud: Free Digital Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - In partnership with the HSE, the SilverCloud online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) platform provides access to a free 8-week supported programme. Online CBT has been shown to have a positive impact on symptoms.
Talk To Tom - are a community based suicide prevention, mental health awareness and bereavement support charity.
Spun Out - is a youth information website dedicated to making sure that 16 to 25 year olds in Ireland - one of the most at-risk demographics - are empowered with the information they need to live active, happy, and healthy lives.
A Lust For Life - is an Irish mental health charity that uses content, campaigns and events to facilitate young people to be effective guardians of their own mind - and to be the leaders that drive our society towards a better future.
EmployAbility Service - The nationwide EmployAbility Service provides an employment support service for people with a health condition, injury, illness or disability and a recruitment advice service for the business community.
- - Turn2Me is a high-quality, safe, anonymous, and confidential space for you to gain support for your mental health online.
Non Violent Resistance (NVR) - is a supportive program for parents that are experiencing child to parent violence.
Parentline - is a national, confidential helpline that offers parents support, information and guidance on all aspects of being a parent and any parenting issues.
This content of this page (and links to other sites) is for general information purposes only and does not substitute medical advice. While we endeavour to keep this website up-to-date, errors may occur. We advise all patients to discuss their health concerns with their GP. If you would like to suggest amendments or highlight new information that could be useful to others please don’t hesitate to get in touch.